UHU GmbH & Co KG
Herrmannstraße 7
D - 77815 Bühl / Baden
Fon: +49 (0) 7223 - 284-0
Fax: +49 (0) 7223 - 284-535
E-Mail: info@uhu.de
Commercial register:
AG Mannheim HRA 211088
General partner:
Sturm-Transmar GmbH, Sitz Bühl
AG Mannheim HRB210648
Managing directors:
Remko Tetenburg, Danny Witjes, Ralf Schniedenharn, Hubert Friederik Lucien Lincklaen Arriens
VAT no.:
Conception, Design, Realisation, Programming
Bolton Adhesives
Oostmaaslaan 76, 14th floor
6063AN Rotterdam
E-mail: reception@boltonadhesives.com
Legal notice
All the information contained in our web site has been carefully checked. We will make every effort to constantly extend and update the information provided. We cannot, however, guarantee that the information is complete, correct or up to date.
This also applies to any other web sites indicated by means of hyperlinks. UHU GmbH & Co KG cannot be held responsible for the content of web sites reached by means of such links. The indication of a hyperlink does not imply that we in any way recommend the web site or the company operating it or the company's products.
Nor do we have any influence over whether third parties set up links from their web sites to ours. The existence of any such links in no way reflects any collaboration with such companies or a recommendation of what they have to offer.
No claims may be entertained in respect of the use made of the content of our web site except where we have acted with deliberate or gross negligence. UHU GmbH & Co KG also reserves the right to make changes or add to the information on the site.
The content and structure of the UHU web site are protected by copyright. We have no objection to the information contained in our web site being used for personal purposes. The reproduction of information or data, and in particular the commercial use of texts, parts of texts or images, does however require prior agreement from UHU GmbH & Co KG.
Notes and data protection
We have noted that Internet users are sometimes unsure and somewhat distrustful about whether and what personal data is collected, stored, processed and possibly passed on. We would therefore like to explain to you here how on-line data is protected at UHU GmbH & Co KG: When you visit our Internet site, information about your visit (date, time, pages consulted) is stored on our server. This data is used exclusively for statistical purposes. Any evaluations are anonymous. If you send us an e-mail, your e-mail address and other personal data will only be used for individual correspondence with you.
UHU GmbH & Co KG therefore assures you that data concerning you will only be used by us and will be treated confidentially in accordance with currently applicable statutory requirements.
All information and recommendations are the result of carefully executed studies. UHU cannot take responsibility for any result and/or damages of any kind as the variety of possible outcomes (materials, material combinations, construction, ways of usage) and therefore the multiple influencing factors are not under UHU's control. We can only guarantee the constant high quality of our products.
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